Data Collection

rewrite_tag_filter Output Plugin

The out_rewrite_tag_filter Output plugin has designed to rewrite tag like mod_rewrite. Re-emit a record with rewrited tag when a value matches/unmatches with the regular expression. Also you can change a tag from apache log by domain, status-code(ex. 500 error), user-agent, request-uri, regex-backreference and so on with regular expression.

How it works

It is a sample to arrange the tags by the regexp matched value of 'message'.

# Configuration
<match app.message>
  type rewrite_tag_filter
  rewriterule1 message ^\[(\w+)\] $1.${tag}

+----------------------------------------+        +----------------------------------------------+
| original record                        |        | rewrited tag record                          |
|----------------------------------------|        |----------------------------------------------|
| app.message {"message":"[info]: ..."}  | +----> | {"message":"[info]: ..."}   |
| app.message {"message":"[warn]: ..."}  | +----> | {"message":"[warn]: ..."}   |
| app.message {"message":"[crit]: ..."}  | +----> | {"message":"[crit]: ..."}   |
| app.message {"message":"[alert]: ..."} | +----> | {"message":"[alert]: ..."} |
+----------------------------------------+        +----------------------------------------------+


out_rewrite_tag_filter is included in td-agent by default (v1.1.18 or later). Fluentd gem users will have to install the fluent-plugin-rewrite-tag-filter gem using the following command.

$ fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-rewrite-tag-filter

Example Configuration

Configuration design is dropping some pattern record first, then re-emit other matched record as new tag name.

<match apache.access>
  type rewrite_tag_filter
  capitalize_regex_backreference yes
  rewriterule1 path   \.(gif|jpe?g|png|pdf|zip)$  clear
  rewriterule2 status !^200$                      clear
  rewriterule3 domain !^.+\.com$                  clear
  rewriterule4 domain ^maps\.example\.com$        site.ExampleMaps
  rewriterule5 domain ^news\.example\.com$        site.ExampleNews
  # it is also supported regexp back reference.
  rewriterule6 domain ^(mail)\.(example)\.com$    site.$2$1
  rewriterule7 domain .+                          site.unmatched

<match clear>
  type null

NOTE: Please see the for further details.


rewriteruleN (required at least one)

rewriterule<num> <key> <regex_pattern> <new_tag>

NOTE: It works with the order <num> ascending, regexp matching <regex_pattern> for the values of <key> from each record, re-emit with <new_tag>.


Capitalize letter for every matched regex backreference. (ex: maps -> Maps)


Override hostname command for placeholder. (default setting is long hostname)

INCLUDE: _log_level_params


It is supported these placeholder for new_tag (rewrited tag). See more details at

  • ${tag}
  • TAG
  • {$tag_parts[n]}
  • TAG_PARTS[n]
  • ${hostname}

Use cases

  • Aggregate + display 404 status pages by URL and referrer to find and fix dead links.
  • Send an IRC alert for 5xx status codes on exceeding thresholds.
  • Collect access log from multiple application servers (config1)
  • Sum up the 404 error and output to mongoDB (config2)

Note: These plugins are required to be installed.

  • fluent-plugin-rewrite-tag-filter
  • fluent-plugin-mongo
[Config1] Application Servers
# Input access log to fluentd with embedded in_tail plugin
  type tail
  path /var/log/httpd/access_log
  format apache2
  time_format %d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z
  tag apache.access
  pos_file /var/log/td-agent/apache_access.pos

# Forward to monitoring server
<match apache.access>
  type forward
  flush_interval 5s
    name server_name
[Config2] Monitoring Server
# built-in TCP input
  type forward

# Filter record like mod_rewrite with fluent-plugin-rewrite-tag-filter
<match apache.access>
  type rewrite_tag_filter
  rewriterule1 status ^(?!404)$ clear
  rewriterule2 path .+ mongo.apache.access.error404

# Store deadlinks log into mongoDB
<match mongo.apache.access.error404>
  type        mongo
  database    apache
  collection  deadlinks
  capped_size 50m

# Clear tag
<match clear>
  type null

Send an IRC alert for 5xx status codes on exceeding thresholds.

  • Collect access log from multiple application servers (config1)
  • Sum up the 500 error and notify IRC and logging details to mongoDB (config2)

Note: These plugins are required to be installed.

  • fluent-plugin-rewrite-tag-filter
  • fluent-plugin-datacounter
  • fluent-plugin-notifier
  • fluent-plugin-parser
  • fluent-plugin-mongo
  • fluent-plugin-irc
[Config1] Application Servers
# Input access log to fluentd with embedded in_tail plugin
# sample results: {"host":"","user":null,"method":"GET","path":"/","code":500,"size":5039,"referer":null,"agent":"Mozilla"}
  type tail
  path /var/log/httpd/access_log
  format apache2
  time_format %d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z
  tag apache.access
  pos_file /var/log/td-agent/apache_access.pos

# Forward to monitoring server
<match apache.access>
  type forward
  flush_interval 5s
    name server_name
[Config2] Monitoring Server
# built-in TCP input
  type forward

# Filter record like mod_rewrite with fluent-plugin-rewrite-tag-filter
<match apache.access>
  type copy
  type rewrite_tag_filter
  # drop static image record and redirect as 'count.apache.access'
  rewriterule1 path ^/(img|css|js|static|assets)/ clear
  rewriterule2 path .+ count.apache.access
  type rewrite_tag_filter
  rewriterule1 code ^5\d\d$ mongo.apache.access.error5xx

# Store 5xx error log into mongoDB
<match mongo.apache.access.error5xx>
  type        mongo
  database    apache
  collection  error_5xx
  capped_size 50m

# Count by status code
# sample results: {"unmatched_count":0,"unmatched_rate":0.0,"unmatched_percentage":0.0,"200_count":0,"200_rate":0.0,"200_percentage":0.0,"2xx_count":0,"2xx_rate":0.0,"2xx_percentage":0.0,"301_count":0,"301_rate":0.0,"301_percentage":0.0,"302_count":0,"302_rate":0.0,"302_percentage":0.0,"3xx_count":0,"3xx_rate":0.0,"3xx_percentage":0.0,"403_count":0,"403_rate":0.0,"403_percentage":0.0,"404_count":0,"404_rate":0.0,"404_percentage":0.0,"410_count":0,"410_rate":0.0,"410_percentage":0.0,"4xx_count":0,"4xx_rate":0.0,"4xx_percentage":0.0,"5xx_count":1,"5xx_rate":0.01,"5xx_percentage":100.0}
<match count.apache.access>
  type datacounter
  unit minute
  outcast_unmatched false
  aggregate all
  tag threshold.apache.access
  count_key code
  pattern1 200 ^200$
  pattern2 2xx ^2\d\d$
  pattern3 301 ^301$
  pattern4 302 ^302$
  pattern5 3xx ^3\d\d$
  pattern6 403 ^403$
  pattern7 404 ^404$
  pattern8 410 ^410$
  pattern9 4xx ^4\d\d$
  pattern10 5xx ^5\d\d$

# Determine threshold
# sample results: {"pattern":"code_500","target_tag":"apache.access","target_key":"5xx_count","check_type":"numeric_upward","level":"warn","threshold":1.0,"value":1.0,"message_time":"2014-01-28 16:47:39 +0900"}
<match threshold.apache.access>
  type notifier
  input_tag_remove_prefix threshold
    pattern code_500
    check numeric_upward
    warn_threshold  10
    crit_threshold  40
    tag alert.http_5xx_error
    target_key_pattern ^5xx_count$

# Generate message
# sample results: {"message":"HTTP Status warn [5xx_count] apache.access: 1.0 (threshold 1.0)"}
<match alert.http_5xx_error>
  type deparser
  tag irc.http_5xx_error>
  format_key_names level,target_key,target_tag,value,threshold
  format HTTP Status %s [%s] %s: %s (threshold %s)
  key_name message
  reserve_data no

# Send IRC message
<match irc.http_5xx_error>
  type irc
  host localhost
  port 6667
  channel fluentd
  nick fluentd
  user fluentd
  real fluentd
  message %s
  out_keys message

# Clear tag
<match clear>
  type null