Data Collection

GeoIP Output Plugin

The out_geoip Buffered Output plugin adds geographic location information to logs using the Maxmind GeoIP databases.

NOTE: This document doesn't describe all parameters. If you want to know full features, check the Further Reading section.


  • The GeoIP library.
# for RHEL/CentOS
$ sudo yum install geoip-devel --enablerepo=epel

# for Ubuntu/Debian
$ sudo apt-get install libgeoip-dev

# for MacOSX (brew)
$ brew install geoip


out_geoip is not included in td-agent. All users must install the fluent-plugin-geoip gem using the following command.

$ fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-geoip
OR # td-agent 2
$ sudo /usr/sbin/td-agent-gem install fluent-plugin-geoip
OR # td-agent 1
$ sudo /usr/lib64/fluent/ruby/bin/fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-geoip

Example Configuration

The configuration shown below adds geolocation information to apache.access

<match test.message>
  type geoip
  geoip_lookup_key        host
  enable_key_country_code geoip_country
  enable_key_city         geoip_city
  enable_key_latitude     geoip_lat
  enable_key_longitude    geoip_lon
  remove_tag_prefix       test.
  add_tag_prefix          geoip.
  flush_interval          5s

# original record
test.message {

# output record
geoip.message: {
  "geoip_city":"Mountain View",

NOTE: Please see the fluent-plugin-geoip README for further details.


geoip_lookup_key (required)

Specifies the geoip lookup field (default: host) If accessing a nested hash value, delimit the key with '.', as in 'host.ip'.

remove_tag_prefix / add_tag_prefix (requires one or the other)

Set tag replace rule.

enablekey* (requires at least one)

Specifies the geographic data that will be added to the record. The supported parameters are shown below:

  • enable_key_city
  • enable_key_latitude
  • enable_key_longitude
  • enable_key_country_code3
  • enable_key_country_code
  • enable_key_country_name
  • enable_key_dma_code
  • enable_key_area_code
  • enable_key_region


Set to true to include the original tag name in the record. (default: false)


Adds the tag name into the record using this value as the key name When include_tag_key is set to true.

Buffer Parameters

For advanced usage, you can tune Fluentd's internal buffering mechanism with these parameters.


The buffer type is memory by default (buf_memory). The file (buf_file) buffer type can be chosen as well. Unlike many other output plugins, the buffer_path parameter MUST be specified when using buffer_type file.

buffer_queue_limit, buffer_chunk_limit

The length of the chunk queue and the size of each chunk, respectively. Please see the Buffer Plugin Overview article for the basic buffer structure. The default values are 64 and 256m, respectively. The suffixes “k” (KB), “m” (MB), and “g” (GB) can be used for buffer_chunk_limit.


The interval between forced data flushes. The default is nil (don't force flush and wait until the end of time slice + time_slice_wait). The suffixes “s” (seconds), “m” (minutes), and “h” (hours) can be used.

INCLUDE: _log_level_params

Use Cases

Plot real time access statistics on a world map using Elasticsearch and Kibana

The country_code field is needed to visualize access statistics on a world map using Kibana.

Note: The following plugins are required:

  • fluent-plugin-geoip
  • fluent-plugin-elasticsearch
<match td.apache.access>
  type geoip

  # Set key name for the client ip address values
  geoip_lookup_key     host

  # Specify key name for the country_code values
  enable_key_country_code  geoip_country

  # Swap tag prefix from 'td.' to 'es.'
  remove_tag_prefix    td.
  add_tag_prefix       es.

<match es.apache.access>
  type            elasticsearch
  host            localhost
  port            9200
  type_name       apache
  logstash_format true
  flush_interval  10s

Further Reading