Data Collection

Getting Data From Http Rest Api Into Treasure Data Using Fluentd

Looking to get data out of http rest api into treasure data? You can do that with fluentd in 10 minutes!

![](/images/plugin_icon/http_rest_api.png) ![](/images/plugin_icon/treasure_data.png)

Here is how:

$ gem install fluentd
$ gem install fluent-plugin-td
$ touch fluentd.conf

fluentd.conf should look like this (just copy and paste this into fluentd.conf):

  type http
  port 8888
  body_size_limit 32m
  keepalive_timeout 10s
  # tag is part of the URL, e.g.,
  # curl -X POST -d 'json={"action":"login","user":2}' http://localhost:8888/

<match **>
  type tdlog
  apikey <Treasure Data API key> # You get your API key by signing up for Treasure Data
  buffer_type file
  buffer_path /var/log/td-agent/buffer/td

After that, you can start fluentd and everything should work:

$ fluentd -c fluentd.conf

Of course, this is just a quick example. If you are thinking of running fluentd in production, consider using td-agent, the enterprise version of Fluentd packaged and maintained by Treasure Data, Inc..