The out_exec_filter
Buffered Output plugin (1) executes an external program using an event as input and (2) reads a new event from the program output. It passes tab-separated values (TSV) to stdin and reads TSV from stdout by default.
is included in Fluentd's core. No additional installation process is required.
<match pattern>
type exec_filter
command cmd arg arg
in_keys k1,k2,k3
out_keys k1,k2,k3,k4
tag_key k1
time_key k2
time_format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
NOTE: Please see the Config File article for the basic structure and syntax of the configuration file.
The value must be exec_filter
The command (program) to execute. The out_exec_filter
plugin passes the incoming event to the program input and receives the filtered event from the program output.
The format used to map the incoming event to the program input.
The following formats are supported:
When using the tsv format, please also specify the comma-separated in_keys
in_keys k1,k2,k3
The format used to process the program output.
The following formats are supported:
When using the tsv format, please also specify the comma-separated out_keys
out_keys k1,k2,k3,k4
NOTE: When using the json format, this plugin uses the Yajl library to parse the program output. Yajl buffers data internally so the output isn't always instantaneous.
The name of the key to use as the event tag. This replaces the value in the event record.
The name of the key to use as the event time. This replaces the the value in the event record.
The format for event time used when the time_key
parameter is specified. The default is UNIX time (integer).
INCLUDE: _buffer_parameters
INCLUDE: _log_level_params